Public Search (step 1)
The cord blood unit search is a two-step-procedure comprising a "public" search at low resolution level (step 1) followed by a "formal" search at high resolution level (step 2).
PLEASE NOTE: The "public" search is NOT a "formal" search request.
ONLY Transplant Centers are entitled to submit a formal search request in step 2.
For the preliminary search (step 1), each HLA antigen (allele) is entered in a two digit mode.
If your HLA typing report shows more than two digits for some or all alleles, enter just the first two digits (e.g. if HLA A is *01:03, *05:08, fill in 01 [allele 1] and 05 [allele 2], if data for the second allele are missing, please leave empty the second field [allele 2]).
Results after Public Search (step 1)
You will receive an immediate, real-time report of possible matches on your screen.
We urge you to print it out and follow the suggestions noted.
Mission Statement
Vita 34 is the first and most experienced stem cell bank in europa.
It's specialised on the collection, storage and research of stem cells from umbilical cord blood.
In 2007 Vita 34 established VitaPlusDonation as a combination of private storage and the option to make these stem cells available to another ill person as a potential lifesaver in case of emergency.
Vita 34 offers with the help of stem cell search a new freely accessible register for umbilical cord blood stem cells.
When a stem cell transplant is needed, it often takes months to find a suitable donor.
The purpose of this open source cord blood unit search is to provide a preliminary view of a patient's likelihood to find a suitable match from Vita 34's inventory of cord blood units accessible for public donation - free of charge and as fast and easy as possible.
This free accessible search can be used by any interested party.
The "public" search is carried out at low resolution level of HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) matching.
In general, the more matches found at this level, the higher the probability that a "formal" search using high resolution HLA typing yields suitable matches for the patient.
But also a cord blood unit with a 4/6 match but with a relatively high cell dose may be suitable for a patient.
Vita 34 – The Stem Cell Bank
The simplest, and ethically most acceptable way to obtain and secure the body’s own young, potent stems cells is to collect umbilical cord blood at birth and subsequently store it.
By cryo-conservation and storage in nitrogen tanks it is possible to safe the special characteristics of these potent stem cells.
Worldwide clinical studies are underway, conducting research into their suitability for the regeneration of damaged tissues, following accidents or in the treatment of cancer.
Like stem cells from bone marrow, stem cells from umbilical cord blood are adult, stem cells and therefore, ethically unobjectionable.
Vita 34 is one of Europe’s leading cord blood banks processing, testing and preserving cord blood according to the internationally accepted GMP standard (Good Manufacturing Practices), supervised and licensed by the German PEI (Paul-Ehrlich-Institute, equivalent of the FDA in the United States of America).
The cord blood unit search refers to privately banked cord blood units within Vita 34’s VitaPlusDonation program.
All these cord blood units fulfill the high quality standards for cord blood donations according to the German Medicines Law.
Parents banked the cord blood privately and opted voluntarily for public donation in the case of need. Given a suitable match, parents will have to be asked for the confirmation of their willingness to donate the cord blood unit.
This procedure is comparable to a second confirmation given by a bone marrow donor just before the donation.